Can I Retrieve Deleted Content From a Squarespace Site?

Squarespace is a popular website builder that allows you to create professional-looking websites without any coding skills. While Squarespace offers several useful features, it’s not uncommon for users to accidentally delete content from their sites, such as pages, blog posts, or images. In this article, we’ll explore whether it’s possible to retrieve deleted content from a Squarespace site.

Understanding Squarespace’s Deletion Policy

Before we delve into whether you can retrieve deleted content, it’s essential to understand Squarespace’s deletion policy. When you delete content from a Squarespace site, it’s permanently deleted and cannot be recovered. This is true for pages, blog posts, images, and any other content that you delete from your site.

Retrieving Deleted Content

Unfortunately, it’s not possible to retrieve deleted content from a Squarespace site once it’s been permanently deleted. Squarespace’s policy is to permanently delete content to prevent data breaches and to comply with privacy regulations. Therefore, if you accidentally delete content from your Squarespace site, it’s crucial to have a backup in place to avoid losing your data.

Creating Backups for Your Squarespace Site

The best way to ensure that you don’t lose your content is to create regular backups of your Squarespace site. Squarespace offers a built-in backup feature that allows you to create backups of your site. Here’s how you can create a backup of your Squarespace site:

  1. Log in to your Squarespace account and navigate to the Settings panel.
  2. Click on the Advanced tab and select Backups.
  3. Click on Create Backup to create a backup of your site.

Squarespace will create a backup of your site and notify you when it’s ready. You can download the backup file and store it on your computer or cloud storage.

Restoring Your Squarespace Site from a Backup

If you’ve created a backup of your Squarespace site, you can restore your site to a previous state if you accidentally delete content or encounter any other issues. Here’s how you can restore your Squarespace site from a backup:

  1. Log in to your Squarespace account and navigate to the Settings panel.
  2. Click on the Advanced tab and select Backups.
  3. Click on the backup file you want to restore.
  4. Click on Restore to restore your site to the selected backup.

Note that restoring your site from a backup will overwrite your current site, and any changes made after the backup was created will be lost. Therefore, it’s essential to create regular backups and restore them only when necessary.


In conclusion, Squarespace’s deletion policy is to permanently delete content to comply with privacy regulations and prevent data breaches. Therefore, it’s not possible to retrieve deleted content from a Squarespace site once it’s been permanently deleted. However, you can create backups of your site to ensure that you don’t lose your content. If you accidentally delete content, you can restore your site from a backup and avoid losing your data. Remember to create regular backups and store them in a safe place to ensure that you can always restore your Squarespace site if necessary.

If you would like help creating or restoring Squarespace backups, contact us today.

Shaan Nicol

I help business owners increase profits by bringing their vision to life with a world-class website and gold-standard website support. Let’s connect!