Marketing | Latest Articles

Using the internet and other forms of digital communication, digital marketing connects brands with potential customers. In addition to email, social media, and web-based advertising, text and multimedia messages are also used as marketing channels.

Digital Marketing

Digital marketing can be complex and confusing. With Facebook ads, Google ads, organic reach, blogging, SEO, and more, where do you start? These articles will help…

When small businesses get started, their main focus is often on how to attract their first customers. Some might rely on traditional advertising forms, such as print ads, coupon mailers, or even outdoor advertising.

Many businesses believe that if they offer a good product or service, it’s just a matter of time until they find customers.

While this strategy may bring in a handful of sales, there is a better and easier way…

Small businesses should tap into the online marketplace of prospects and consider the benefits of combining traditional marketing with digital marketing. Any small business, no matter how new, should consider digital channels as a way to generate leads and convert those leads into customers.